Title: 10 Years Post by: Will Falconer on November 18, 2005, 10:18:45 am Congratulations to Lennart for celebrating 10 years of the Matrasport website.
It has clearly become the Google of the Matra World! In fact if I check anything Matra related on Google the first page of results always refers to Matrasport. Well done, and we look forward to the next ten years. Will :) Title: Re:10 Years Post by: Lennart Sorth on November 26, 2005, 11:01:09 pm Well done, and we look forward to the next ten years. Thanks Will, - I certinly look forward too. The funny thing is that MatraSport was on the web BEFORE google (yes, there was an Internet before Google :-) ) - so no wonder they found my pages when they got their search engine running :-) Matra later made a full copy of the site once every second month or so - evidently not automatic, so somebody must have done it manually! - I'd love to meet that employee :-) Title: Re:10 Years Post by: Anders Dinsen on November 27, 2005, 12:50:43 pm Matra later made a full copy of the site once every second month or so - evidently not automatic, so somebody must have done it manually! - I'd love to meet that employee :-) ... digging the logs are we :-) Oh well, it's always funny, until they grow into the gigabyte size as yours obviously must have. Or you have a good analyzer... Title: Re:10 Years Post by: Lennart Sorth on November 29, 2005, 01:31:41 am Well I use webalizer, - but since a full sitecopy transfers afair amount of data, I (only) noticed it because it was on the top-10 downloaders every now and then. As a demonstration I have created a temporary acces here: http://www.matrasport.dk/usage use userid: demo password : demo Click on a month. The country statistic is sweet - but also the entry and exit pages. I prefer peopl eleaving the site from my "pointers" list - and preferably not from the main page. Its also interesting to see that the majority of hits must be fairly european - as there is a daily fluctuation, with a minimum at 4am Sometimes the major "hitters" are searchengines though - such is life. Regards Lennart Title: Re:10 Years Post by: Anders Dinsen on November 29, 2005, 09:43:20 am Thanks, great to see :-)
I notice that almost 10% of all hits in november are 'Not Found', probably mostly attempts to break into your server. Also notice that Yahoo is most active search engine. Seems there are more machines than humans surfing the internet. Interesting... the internet is getting a life of its own? Title: Re:10 Years Post by: Lennart Sorth on November 29, 2005, 08:13:06 pm I notice that almost 10% of all hits in november are 'Not Found', The major reason for this is that I initially created pages with some silly backgroundimage, which would show up if it was there - and when I got tired of it, I could just remove the JPG ... very smart. However, that method creates a fair number of "Not Found" responses, - so I am slowly finding all references and remove the image-link :) |