Title: Heater fan from later Starlets? Post by: Matraman on November 08, 2021, 04:39:07 pm This doesn't seem to have been discussed for a few years. The Toyota Starlet heater fans from the 1978 - 1984 era seem to have disappeared now, has anyone tried one from a later model such as a late 90s one? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/324810730887?epid=656064159&hash=item4ba03a6d87:g:-N0AAOSwsj1hVu0Z
The motor on mine is held in a plastic moulding which is disintegrating and the fan is catching the surrounding case and making a noise. It will also be increasing the load on the motor and getting it hotter I suspect. It's difficult to tell dimensions from eBay photos, but maybe a later one will fit. Alternatively, does anyone have a fan for sale? |