Title: New Brake Manual Post by: roy4matra on August 14, 2024, 10:33:21 am Further update
I have to report that it appears I forgot to upload the latest copy of my Matra brake manual a while ago, which had minor changes, and since my phone number is now only a mobile number (and my landline is no more) I finally did upload my March issue recently. However, I have now updated it further with some extra pages covering the brake discs. The latest edition (11th revision) is now dated August 2024: http://www.matraclub.org.uk/files/Brakes.pdf Thank you. Title: Re: New Brake Manual Post by: Anders Dinsen on August 17, 2024, 07:09:17 am Thank you, Roy. It is really a great document. Thanks for maintaining this!
/Anders |