Thanks for the tips Michal..
The gearbox in question is the one I got off Waldos spare parts car (may it rest in pieces), and it's currently sitting in my basement room in a million parts...
So.. I don't think that pressing the clutch pedal will do me much good... but hey! I'm willing to try anything at this point!.
LOL! Nice one Krede.
If I recall correctly the car had been stored in a barn for some 19 odd years before Waldo bought it (waldo? ) And to me it looks like there is no way, but the old fashioned way (fire)......should the worst happen... A guy from my class is a certified aluminium welder..
If the circlip has already been removed and it has been soaking in penetrating fluid for months, then I would say that you should apply a small amount of heat to the casing and then use a really big spanner across the flats of the slave cylinder housing (near where the pipe entry is located) to attempt to rotate the slave cylinder back and forth. Normally that releases it and then you can work it out of the clutch housing casing. I have not broken one yet, and I thought some were totally seized in. (keeping my fingers crossed that the next one isn't jinxed now!)