Definitely sounds like you wheel has a leak - could be corrosion creeping in, or of course a puncture.
Tyre pressure *is* very important, - almost as important as using high quality tyres.
Toe-out will certainly make the car very nervous :-) - luckily track-rod ends are cheap, so its a good and simple solution to replace them.
Yes, the Murena gets a lot of attention, - but don't get embarassed, - be proud! - you own, and display a piece of automobile history, - and it even makes sense too ! :-)
PS: Anders wasn't doing high speeds when he spun it, - I was right behind him :-)
it happened at our local skidpan track, where the track has a *very* tricky turn-2, that regularly catches people out - even if the speed is under 50mph.
I wrote an article to the UK Matra magazine about my trip to that track with my previous Espace: