Brake caliper question! Bagheera´s came with either Bendix style or Ate style front brake calipers. What is the difference? And can a pair of ATE calipers be switched to a set of Bendix calipers? What other models used the ATE caiper? And where to buy them at a reasonable price? Best regards JL.
The Bagheera did *not* come with Bendix front calipers, it came with Girling or ATE. The rear calipers were Bendix.
You can swap a pair of ATE with a pair of Girling front calipers if you need to, and you can get the Girling ones overhauled as the seal kits are still available as far as I'm aware; but the seal kits for the ATE were unavailable last time I tried, which was a couple of years ago.
There should be enough scrap Bagheera around to get a pair of Girling front calipers even if you have to have them overhauled.