as you may know neither Carjoy or Simon sell a replacement .
no - I did't actually know! - drat! - my sensor IS in the tank, but the potentiometer has been poor for ages, and I "fixed" it a few decades ago by bending the needle a bit to run over a different part of the potentiometer windings, with the result that it reads quite a lot too low. I recently attempted repairing it, as it was close to falling apart, but it still reads too low.
It appears a number of owners have not been downloading or checking my technical articles, because there has been one on the fuel system, available for quite some time now, and it includes photos and resistance readings if you need to get a repair or another made. (18:00 7th Aug. update - my updated article wasn't there if anyone checked earlier, but it definitely is there now!)
There is also a module available now that you can set the readings of a different sender to the Murena instrument by setting it up for the empty, quarter full, half full, three quarter full and full positions. Once that has been done, then it will read correctly throughout the range. Its called the Gauge Wizard 4 from Spiyda. Check out or phone 07859 106329 (U.K. mobile)