So I was sick and tired of having the weirdest gremlins in my car which all seem to come from the fuse and relayboard. The old board just had to go. To keep the original look however I wanted something that would fit under the old cover.
So... I ordered a standard fuse and relaybox and started cutting away until it would fit under the old cover. Eventually I got it to just fit and after wiring it I glued this between the sides of the old housing. The wiring diagram is quite easily made with the old patina in hand but becuase of the wire-thickness limitations on the new box I decided to use a subrail for my 12V supply. This way I can supply all the points with their own wire whilst they are connected at both the subrail as in the box.
The output goes via a connector, but for the circuit of the blower I made a direct thicker connection since there goes a lot of current through this wire.
And then.... time to test! Luckily all went well! I had however a problem with the indicator lights, but that turned out to be a broken wire in the loom and an earth-fault. Nothing to do with the fuseboard.
New box was a bit too big...
Fitting the box
Old and new.
Fitted, note the subrail for the 12V.
With the cover placed the fuses are not easily accesible, hence the wingnuts to make it easy to remove the coverplate.
Finished! Just have to rearange the wireloom a bit.
I hope this will end the small electrical annoyances I had for ever.