Hi Fellows...
Well as you both stated the car should be in a rather healthy state for now! I expect to drive it straight away...
I have looked at the import TAX and it shouldn't be that bad... anyone that knows more about the import tax for the Murena's?
From my point of view it's about time to strip down the nearly 25 year old car and take care of any starting corrosion, so that I can enjoy the car for the next 15 years or so...
First priority is to get the Murena in great technical/mechanical shape, and see what the economy will allow to spend to attract attention!
I did read about the rear trailing arms before inspecting the car, and checked them from underneath. They looked ok, though I plan to take them off to have them surface treated (maybe sand blasted and galvanized?)... as they seem to be very expensive indeed.
400€ plus P&P for a windscreen is a little expensive when you consider the price of the used Murena's in Germany... so I hope to get the windscreen out without braking it!!!
Otherwise I'm sure we can work something out and save on the cost Anders...
Apart from that I will recieve a repair manual (in german) and some spare parts info, that I plan to share with anyone interested. The owner told me that Simon Auto is rather expensive, and recommended another german company that did great service and fast delivery at low prices! Can't remember the name though...
PS: By the way, the german owner had bought a Opel Speedster and was into center motor cars big time.... sweet car by the way, but not as "charming" as the Murena's (or maybe that's just because I can't afford one!).