We have a dedicated section related to spares :
http://www.bagheera-cafe.com/viewforum.php?f=4 µ
However, we recently decided to only allow access to registered user. This after experiencing too many cases where a wanted part sudenly appear on ebay after somebody express a need. Of course the ebay price was ridiculously high.µµ
And of course some individuals that we had to forbide access.
Also, we have a gentleman agreement for second hands parts. µ
There is also an initiative called the "Bagheerathon" where the ones who will contribute. This allow us to study and remake some extinct parts. There is an hidden section reserved to the contributors.µ
This allowed us to re$make several parts like :µ
Floors µ
Driver side A post µ
Several rubbers µ
The whells center parts (not chromed )µ
The last part currently under study is the drivers seat foams. (not easy)