So hopefully by latter this week I will have a pair of Weber 36DCNFs (and another manifold which will be for sale soon). This now brings up the question of cams. I know you can get a regrind for ~£150 to “HART 2” spec as long as the original isn’t to worn and takes around a week, but you need to pull the engine and get new followers ( anything else?). So the aim will be to do it in stages.
Q1. Can you run the preferred “Twin DCNF + Hart 2 Cam” carb set up, with out the cam whilst I get the cam sorted? Or will it run like a pig.
Q2. Best place to get followers / Tappets
Q2a In the UK I would search for “(Tappet , Cam follower) Talbot, Simca, Matra, Poissey”. Can anyone supply the local languages so I can search in France , Germany , Holland etc.
Q1: Should run O.K. but you would probably be best to get the carbs set up by a carb. specialist on a rolling road.
I know of one in KENT I can highly recommend called B.D. Engineering.
Q2: As Pete states just get them reground. Alternatively Simon - Germany. See if Roy Gillard can sort you out or ask on this Forum under Wanted.
Q2a: German: Kipphebel Auslass (Exhaust) and Kipphebel Ein. (Inlet) N.B. They are different to each other on the 2.2 See Page 11 Kapitel 1 - Motor Murena 2.2 and page 8 for your 1.6 Motor