Thanks for the info. I’ll investigate further and find out if it’s a rebonding or just resealing job. I’ll be in touch again Gib if I need a new strip.
First, the windscreen was bonded in and the trim around the edge was only decorative. So the bonding should be the waterproof seal. However, after this many years and the constant flexing that the shell gets in use, bonding can crack and allow water in, so sometimes the screen needs to be re-bonded. If re-bonding a screen or fitting a new one, an equal gap should be maintained all around the edge whilst the bonding sets (top, bottom and sides) for the trim to be fitted. The original trim was 'L' shaped cross-section (see photo) and the barbed edge was inserted in the gap whilst the top was glued to the screen (it had double-sided tape for this).
Second, it it is not unknown for the metal chassis at the base of the screen to have corroded and the water leaks in through this, not past the trim and bonding. So if this has happened, the screen needs to come out, and that area repaired before re-bonding the screen back in.
Third, there are other areas where water can get in and on to the parcel shelf. One is the roof aerial is not sealing and just needs lifting out and some new sealant on the base before refitting. Another is the grommet where the heater hose passes through the bulkhead into the matrix has deteriorated and is allowing water in. Another problem can be the shield at the back of the front wheel arch can be poor or even missing as it was riveted on and since the rivets corrode, they can drop off! Finally, when the roof panel was fitted, the edges should be sealed to the chassis rails, but again over time these can crack and leak. The edges of the roof panel are hidden under the trims that come from the windscreen to the back of the roof ending under the top of the 'B' pillar trims. So you may need to remove the roof trims and reseal the edges.
If you obtain and want to use the 'L' section trims that are long enough to go from the 'B' pillar trim one side forward down around the screen and back to the other 'B' pillar trim, then you have to cut the barbed arm off the underside of the trim where it fits on the roof, as these roof sections have to be flat.
When the cars were new (as mine was when I bought it) the factory fitted the roof and windscreen trims like this: There was one 'L' shaped trim that went from the top corner of the screen down around the screen and up to the top corner the other side. There was a second 'L' shaped trim piece across the top of the screen. Then there were two flat section trims across each side of the roof (and these were the same trim as used around the windscreen but with the barbed arm cut off. If you removed them you could see the cut marks underneath where the arm had been sliced off!) These were originally available as spares already cut to length, and with different part numbers. To finish it off, there were two corner pieces (LH & RH) fitted to the top corners which hid the joints between the ends of the main trim, the top trim and the roof trims.
Unfortunately the corner trims have not been available for a long while, and I have only ever seen one other Murena with them still fitted.