So, what a dissapointment
My replacement box is shagged!! When I bought it I took the risk, they said it had problems but didn't know if it was the box or ecu/connections. What they didn't say was that the diff bearings are shot & it is leaking fluid when hot from the pump. I suspect the pump input bearing is worn, leading to the leak when hot. This is the same problem with my other car for which this box was purchaced.
I only found the leak after fixing another fault, it would not shift gears, stuck in first! clip showed no output speed.
I took out the speed sensor & look what I found: (log in to see pictures)
Obviously someone had attempted a fix by fitting a new sensor but picked up the washer as the sensor was put it in place. The washer is a spacer & is in-between the sensor & block. It must have been stuck to the block with oil when the sensor was taken out, & then stuck to the sensors magnet when put back in place.
As you can see it is hard to see what you are doing when the box is in place:
Other things:
the 001 box has a speedo drive on it, the later car does not need this as it is picked up by the abs
The selector switch leaver is different:
Also if you fit the early ecu you can not get the box out of park, the later cars need you to put your foot on the brake before selecting gear.
Oh & of course there is the common problem with ecu corrosion:
So I'm going to pull this box out again tomorrow & maybe need to make a good one out of the two I have. However I suspect the pump on my original box is totally shot as it was so noisy with the engine in neutral.
Espace, why do I bother?
Because I have a family of 6 & I can't find a better car for them & all the garbage we carry!
edit. I just bought another second hand box, no torque converter though but only £150 delivered.
So now I have 3 second hand box's to make one good one! Fingers crossed
edit2. Talking with the autobox shop he has explained whats been going wrong.
The original noise which was apparant with the car in neutral or park was the pump gagging for oil because the filter was blocked. This will be due to a failed torque converter, all the particles are blocking the filter.
Oil leaking from the bell housing when warm is a worn bush at the front of the pump that the torque converter turns on.
I hope these nuggets of info can be of help to others.